A voice from a distant future tells of a vanished city that was once among the most famous in the world, Venice. Amidst legends, rituals and hearsay, the narrator describes its daily life made of boats and its profound relationship with the lagoon surrounding it.
Did that city ever exist? Was it ever inhabited, or it was a tourist park? Did it survive the floods and the plagues? Have its inhabitants managed to find a new way of living together?
The result is an indefinite tale of a unique and fragile city that, somehow, speaks of every city on earth.
A voice from a distant future tells an indefinite tale about Venice, a vanished city whose challenges and problems somehow speak for every city on earth.
I am Venetian, and like many of my fellow citizens I can say that I was "born in a boat". As a child my father used to take me to row with what seemed to me a gondola, then as a kid I discovered the venetian traditional sailing, and sailing with my boat I began to get to know the islands of the lagoon.
The passion for boats continued even after, I graduated with a thesis in history of navigation and then I embarked on a tourist activity, taking my customers to the most remote and unknown corners of the lagoon.
Now I am a director but my love for the lagoon has remained the same, and even today, cruising through those channels that now I know by heart, I feel the same emotion as when I explored them for the first time.
For years I have felt the need to tell about my Venice, a city that I see slowly disappearing, suffocated by tourism and threatened by climate change that is putting its survival at risk.